
Showing posts from November, 2009

Finally Friday!!!

50 Squats 1 Cartwheel 10 Jumping Jacks 1 Handstand Push Up 20 Stair Jumps 1 Min. Plank 5 Burpees Do the 'HillBilly Stomp' by Brooks N' Dunn Now you are ready to conquer the day!

A Great Day to be Alive

45 Squats (while brushing teeth) 15 Jumping Jacks (while waiting for water to boil) 10 Push Ups (while steeping white tea) 30 Toe Raises (while waiting for toast) Skip to 'Every Little Bit' by Dry County (for PURE FUN) Linedance to 'Cotton Eyed Joe' by the Rednex Repeat

Walking at Home Don't let rainy days keep you on the couch, try this work out... :)

Cardioblasting with Tamilee

My workout this morning included this DVD Tighter Assets. Fun! 35 Bicep Curls 35 Shoulder Presses 35 Tricep Dips 35 Tricep Kickbacks 35 Chest Presses

Turning Hobby into Passion by Julie Hryniewicz-Hache

"Fytness Fanatik" was founded in 2002 by Amanda Lynn Mayhew. She had been working out on her own, following the diagnosis of a thyroid disorder, and noticed that sharing her personal habits with friends began to influence their behaviour. People would tell her that her experiences were very motivating, so she decided to use this influence to help others. Amanda Lynn developed a website, and called on her network of friends and family for support in creating the Fytness Fanatiks. See for more about all the Fanatiks... This group of people are engaged in sharing their own personal fitness goals and achievements with others, in order to demonstrate that anyone can achieve what they put their mind to, regardless of their current size, age, or illness. With regular updates,the website ( constantly features fresh and interesting advice and information. Amanda Lynn has also launched her own collection of fitness apparel which featu...

Music Monday!

3 by Britney Spears - Crank it and Shadow Box Learn 'Hillbilly Stomp' and perform it to 'God Loves all his Rednecks' by Dry County Skip to 'In the Rough' by Larry Berrio Jumping Jacks to 'Someday' by You vs. Me Stretch 10 Push Ups 25 Crunches High five the dude beside you   Don't forget about the Christmas Special - What a deal!

Christmas Sale!!!

FF Magazine is not full of bullsh&t ads and garbage. Real people, real stories, and real tips.. Created by YOU, the reader. Christmas Special on Sale now. 15 Issues at 25% off , delivered in print to your door.


30 Toe Raises 50 Squats (while brushing my teeth) 50 Ball Crunches (while on the phone) 60 Side Bends Take stairs 2 at a time, all day Jog around the block Start Christmas'ing your House (pulling those boxes out and hanging lights is active all on its own) Have a GREAT DAY!

Hunting Tuesday

Stretch with your shotgun 50 Squats (gun overhead) 10 Push Ups (gun on back) Walk 22 km with 7 lb. gun Enjoy your deer hunting day