
Showing posts from February, 2007

Mental Health

I know that there are some women out there that are in relationships because they love their partner. I know that there are some women out there that are STILL in their relationship because they put UP with their partner. You do not live for them. You live for you. You are not their slave or their mother, they are old enough to make decisions and dinner on their own. If they cannot live without you then they really should think about how they are treating you. This is a big part of mental health, I know, because I lived through it. It sucks to see my friends and loved ones go through the same thing. When the partner says, 'I'll change' or 'I love you, don't leave', that is b.s. If a partner is treating you that way, it won't change, it may get better briefly, but it won't change. Don't waste your life as I did. I am not telling you what to do, I am just tired of seeing people getting stepped on. I have a man who makes me happy, who supports me, and l...

Dance for Fun and for Fitness

I love to dance. I am not a big hip/hop, dance music listener for every day entertainment, but through a hot Ciara song on, and I will shake my a$$ to it all night. I love a good loud bass beat, with a great rhythm. I am not a big drinker at all, but I do go to the clubs to enjoy myself within the sounds of these great beats. Grab your gf's and take off to the closest clubs, who cares what you wear, who is there, who isn't, who sees you, or how old you are. I don't. Dancing burns up to 600 calories per hour, tones and strengthens the whole body, increases flexibility and improves skills such as co-ordination and rhythm. See you at the clubs.

No Money. No Time. No Excuse.

"I'm too busy." "I can't afford it." Anyone can maintain or achieve their fitness level, if they want to. Some tips: Exercise during your drive to work. Contract those abs, squeeze those glutes, and take the stairs. Set your alarm a little earlier so you can get out of bed and do jumping jacks. Outdoors, is free, get outside. Shovel the driveway, walk to the store, you will appreciate it when the day is over. Take the kids swimming, great family acitivity and inexpensive. Home workout (what I live for), stability ball, the total gym, the gazelle, dumbbell set. Keep this stuff in your living room, that way it will be in sight all the time, reminding you to use it. Set a goal. Get new music. Use a friend.


You Choose, You have the Willpower There is no such thing as sleeping off the pounds or taking a miracle pill that burns fat. Losing weight is about making the right choices, every single day, in a variety of different situations. Last night I had to bake cookies for the boys' school, and I wanted to have one to try, but because I am in training for something that I want so bad, I decided against it. It helped that I had a bowl of cherry tomatoes and a glass of water hanging around. I would definitely tell anyone, if you are craving a cookie or a sweet, go ahead and have one, but because of my own goals, and discipline, I choose to not have one in this situation. While travelling, I love to eat. I always bring a small cooler and fill it full crunchy vegetables, that way I can eat the whole trip and still have the fun of crunching on something, and not spending extra money on garbage. After I go grocery shopping, I take most vegs, and fruit and cut it up and put it in bowls/containe...


"I, Amanda Lynn, will be egging you to go the distance. PUSH YOURSELF! How far can you go? Do you have the willpower and the determination to succeed to be your best? Do you have the ability to stop putting off exercising and really do it!? I bet you do! Show me your improvements, and you will be eligible for customized dog tags in June. Some people need that little shove of material proudness to show off to make them accomplish something. Take a photo today! February 1, 2007 and take a photo on June 1, 2007.. Show me the difference! You don't have to be a FANATIK to challenge yourself! Get a blog on and join in on the fun, and the support!" - Amanda Lynn Mayhew

Change up your Bicep Curls

Mixing up your exercises is mentally refreshing and challenges muscle groups in different ways. This assists you in getting over those plateaus. CHANGE UP YOUR BICEP CURLS Hammer curls Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing the sides of your body. Exhale and, keeping your elbows locked firmly against your rib cage, curl both arms three-quarters of the way up toward your shoulders. Hold for a beat, focusing on squeezing your biceps. Inhale and slowly lower your arms back to the starting position, and repeat. This version of the biceps curl puts more emphasis on the forearms, as well as some muscles that lie underneath the biceps. Zottman curls Stand upstraight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing the sides of your body. Exhale and, as you curl your arms upward, rotate your palms in toward your body and cross your ...