No Money. No Time. No Excuse.

"I'm too busy."
"I can't afford it."
Anyone can maintain or achieve their fitness level, if they want to.
Some tips:
Exercise during your drive to work. Contract those abs, squeeze those glutes, and take the stairs.
Set your alarm a little earlier so you can get out of bed and do jumping jacks.
Outdoors, is free, get outside. Shovel the driveway, walk to the store, you will appreciate it when the day is over.
Take the kids swimming, great family acitivity and inexpensive.
Home workout (what I live for), stability ball, the total gym, the gazelle, dumbbell set. Keep this stuff in your living room, that way it will be in sight all the time, reminding you to use it.
Set a goal.
Get new music.
Use a friend.

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