Mental Health

I know that there are some women out there that are in relationships because they love their partner. I know that there are some women out there that are STILL in their relationship because they put UP with their partner. You do not live for them. You live for you. You are not their slave or their mother, they are old enough to make decisions and dinner on their own. If they cannot live without you then they really should think about how they are treating you.

This is a big part of mental health, I know, because I lived through it. It sucks to see my friends and loved ones go through the same thing. When the partner says, 'I'll change' or 'I love you, don't leave', that is b.s. If a partner is treating you that way, it won't change, it may get better briefly, but it won't change. Don't waste your life as I did. I am not telling you what to do, I am just tired of seeing people getting stepped on.

I have a man who makes me happy, who supports me, and loves me. That is all I need. But before him I had a man who treated me like a piece of meat, and another who kept in as a prisoner. Never again, I have one life, and I am going to enjoy it. I was happy to be single until I met the one. Single isn't bad if being attached to someone is.

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