The Jiggle Fix

Try a combination of these exercises to firm up those soft spots that jiggle when you move.

Remember that a recommended 30 minutes of cardio at least three times a week is required to get that blanket of fat removed from above your muscles.
Over-the-Bra Jiggle
To get rid of that roll that falls over your bra strap in the back, try bent over rows.  Stand next to a chair with a dumbbell in your right hand.  Put your left knee and your left hand on the seat and extend your right arm to the floor. Bending your elbow out to your side, slowly bring the weight up to your chest.  Try two sets of 15 reps on each side.
Thigh Jiggle
In addition to cardio, try the four-way lunge.  With your hands on your hips, step forward with your right foot and lunge, return to the start.  Lunge backward, return to start.  Lunge right, return to start. Lunge with your left foot, return to start.  Try two set of 15 reps on each side.
Underarm Jiggle
Triceps are the easiest muscle to train and they respond quickly to fat loss and exercise.  Place your hands on the edge of the seat of a chair and walk your feet out.  Slowly lower your buttocks towards the floor, bending your elbows to a 90 degree angle and then press back up.  Try two sets of 15 reps.
Jiggle Belly
Flatten your abs with planks.  In a push up position with your forearms flat on the floor, hold that pose for as long as you can.  OR/AND Grab onto a chin up bar and lift your legs up as high as you can straight out in front of you.

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