Friendly Competition

A tip to help sculpt and tone yourself a sleek body is to team up and compete with a friend.  I find when I push others to do their best, it also pushes myself.

Motivating others, motivates me.  When you watch a workout DVD by yourself you are more opt to turn it off and give up because no one is watching, rather than continue on and help push the person you are working out with.  If the person you are working out with is better than you than that automatically makes you raise your own goals and forces your ego to step it up.  If you are working out with someone you hardly know (I don't know why you would do this) however, you will be naturally wanting to impress them, show them what you have, and that is also motivation.  So grab a friend and make the new year something to talk about.

When you work out with a partner you can....
- co-ordinate or shop for work out outfits to keep things fresh and fun
- swap music playlists for something different
- act as silly as you want because you have someone with you doing the same thing
- be motivated by fun
- help push your partner to accomplish their goal
- be leader and follower
- grab the camera or video camera and upload photos to motivate others in your community
- have friendly challenges

Push ON!

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