Find Your Energy

Most of our energy has to do with sun light and endorphins. The suns rays release chemicals in our brain that naturally make us feel better, but here is a short list to assist in putting the 'OOMPH' back in your day.
- A good nights sleep.
- Better work life balance (over worked at the office, sitting at your desk for 8 hours will zap your energy)
- Time to Yourself - Enjoy what you like to do with no one asking you.. when supper is, or do you know where the car keys are.. etc.
- Nutritious Diet – Sugary food may promise a rush of energy, it also provides a crash that comes just as quick. Sweet treats causes a huge release of insulin which lowers blood sugar and leaves you feeling sluggish. Small healthy snacks every few hours will sustain your energy.
- Coffee – If you want a real energy hit, drink water and wean yourself off the coffee.
- Emotional stress – every person in our life is part of our personal energy in one way or another. If the person is negative of the dynamics of the relationship are unhealthy then that will tend to suck more energy out of you.
- Exercise – (you knew this was coming) A brisk walk or work out helps the body tackle stress and releases endorphins into the body, these are chemicals that help a person feel good and more energized.
- Pleasurable Activities (FUN!) - Recharge yourself by engaging in something fun. From knitting, dancing, running, anything that makes you smile on in the inside.