Balance is Trainable & Necessary

You have waited all year for that day to harvest your buck that you have been scoping out for weeks, and the time has come.  You unload your equipment from your vehicle, place it in appropriate spots on your body, throw your bow over your shoulder and start the short journey to your perfect spot.  Once you reach the the edge of the bush you realize that there was a windstorm the night before and your perfectly flattened down trail has become an obstacle course littered with dry branches.  You know this has turned out to be a noise hazard.  What do you do?  How long can you keep your balance while stepping over fallen branches, hoping to not get noticed and scare the deer off the field?  Do you soon find out that your boots are much more heavy then before you knew you had to balance to try and be sneaky?

Balance allows you to walk quietly.  The Single Leg Stance is a great exercise to mimic the walk in the woods.  First start with both feet planted on the ground shoulder width apart, and slowly lift right leg until thigh is parallel to floor, hold for a few seconds, switch legs. Once you have this perfected in regular clothes and shoes, then change to your hunting gear and continue training.

The ability to be sneaky in the woods could mean the difference between the harvest of your animal or not at all.

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