Feedback Hits the Spot

Well, today I asked for a little bit of feedback about the magazine that I created over 3 years ago, and this was a response I had in my email. I never expected anything like this to ever come out of my passion for helping myself and others. I never expected for people to look to me for advice or look up to me as a role model. I never planned any of this, it was just the way everything took off. New and creative ideas happen on a weekly basis. I love being involved with new opportunities to raise awareness with diseases and such that strike close to home. It is a great feeling when someone comes back to me and says 'Thank you'. Take time to find yourself and have FUN!

"Well you know me I am crazy over Fytness Fanatik because it is exactly what it says it is.. Motivational and inspirational.. I mentioned in a past edition how much I adore it and I tell ALL my friends and everyone takes a turn reading it. I have extra copies at my house in case anyone wants to take one home or to their work. My girlfriends like the recipes, the facts, the real stories, the real people, the awareness of battles in people lives, from struggles to success stories, daily disciplines and so much more. SInce I started reading the magazine 3 months ago I did not have a fitness plan in sight. Now, I am more eager than ever to get fit, shape up and firm. Even if you exercise 5 minutes a day it is a beginning, with no beginning there is no journey, no destination, no goal. My motto is If you believe, you can achieve and I am on my way no matter how long it takes, little by little, bit by bit but I will succeed! .. The daily discipline is what got me started. I saw the goal and was up for the challenge. I did what I could and documented it and then daily tried to accomplish more and more and more. I feel very satisfied and actually want to continue. The opportunities are endless and with Amanda Lynn behind the scenes I feel many new adventures to come. My friends are eager to join me in a Fytness challenge too. If it wasn't for Fytness Fanatik this would not even have been a topic of conversation. One happy subscriber right here. Thanks Amanda Lynn"

Marci Anderson (January 2010)

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