Scheduled for February 15, 2009. Catch Amanda Lynn\'s interview on "The Scoop" - Sault Ste. Marie and Algoma's only weekly online television talk show. "The Scoop" is produced and hosted by Julie Hryniewicz-Hache. For details and broadcast schedule on www.Soonews.TV please visit the show's blog at www.SoonewsScoop.blogspot.com.
April - the theme for the magazine is 'STRENGTH' .. whether in physical fitness or morals, show us your strength! info@fytnessfanatik.com
May - Mothers and daughters.. we want photos, stories, drawings of you and your mother or daughter participating in fun activities or healthwise decisions.. FUN! and use PINK! Pink is good, I like pink.
In every issue we are on the look for that 'Person to Admire', and 'humanitarian' nominate them today!
Check your local libraries to see when the Fytness Fanatik Magazine will be available to you! www.fytnessfanatik.com/library.htm
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Bringing motivation & basic training to a facility near you.
Available Now
In this issue:
Going Green - Defining the Real Green
Recipe of Love - Food for your Sweetheart
Raynaud's Syndrome
Daily Physical Conditioning - Make It Habit
Person to Admire - Elizabeth Bokfi
Etiquette at the Gym
Football Fun
Who's Your Sports Hero?
LoveEating with Living
You Deserve It
Kids Page
Ergogenic Aids for the Person Who is Regularly Active
and more...
Do you have a great success story?
Do you have a kitchen secret recipe or tip?
Do you have a surprise in-home remedy?
Do you have tips about being pregnant and active?
Do you know someone who is a humantarian?
Is there someone you admire?
Have you quit smoking and have secrets to share?
Do you have an illness that is rarely heard of?
Do you have a great fitness tip or exercise?
Do you know of any nutritional benefits that you would like to share?
Do you have your own beauty secret?
Do you have a great readers advice question?
Do you have a workout DVD that you would recommend?
Do you have a great idea for the cover?
Don't be shy, email us! info@fytnessfanatik.com