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Bring Julie to Your Next Conference or City!

To invite Julie Hryniewicz-Hache, inspirational speaker, author, corporate trainer, and wellness coach, in the realm of career/life balance and living full out, to your city or town, call toll free 888-588-4445 or email Amanda Lynn at

Visit Julie's website at:

Visit the Entourage page and see who does what.

What People Are Saying - Read what others have to say about the whole Fytness Fanatik deal, or write in with your own feedback, whether it is about the magazine, the website, the clothing line or how one of the Fanatiks inspired you!
Fytness Fanatiks on Tour! - Bringing motivation & basic training to a facility near you. E-mail us if you are interested in having the FF Team in your town.
YES! YOU can be on the cover of Fytness Fanatik the Magazine! Don't think you have what it takes? Forget That! Chase your Dreams.... Tell Your Story. HAVE FUN! Show the World!!
The magazine is available in selected library locations. Visit the library page to find out where.
FOTO CONTEST - Open to everyone for everything! Health awareness and physical activity! Take a series of photos and send them into the magazine and you could see your photo published in a future issue!
Encourage your kids to participate .. we love drawings, jokes, pictures and stories for kids by kids!

Subscribe today and recieve 2 FREE issues with a full year subscription!

“Fytness Fanatik inspires me to pursue the many things I enjoy in life, especially my physical and mental health. The magazine and the website encourages me to take better care of myself and have fun. The presentation within in the magazine is awesome and that articles are full of information and laid out quite nicely.”
- Kimberly Fox, Ottawa, ON

“I find that the articles are all well written and informative. It is nice to see the variety of authors in the magazine and the different ideas that people give. I was particularly interested in Resolutions by Chris Rush. This writer has an amazing ability to capture the interest of readers, specifically myself. The whole magazine has amazing content every month. Keep up the fantastic work."
- John Spearns, London, ON

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