What People are Saying...

“A few of my friends and I are on our way to better ourselves. One of my friends came over with one of your magazines the other day and we all thought it was going to be a magazine for bodybuilders and people who were already fit. Boy, was I wrong! This magazine stunned me and I was surprised that it had a little bit of everything for everyone! I read so many great real articles and tips that I signed up for a full year subscription and I am sure that my friends aren’t far behind.”

- Laura Meyer, Toronto, ON

"I want to take the opportunity to write to you and tell you that what you do is so incredible and you are a great inspiration to me I am so grateful that you are a part of my life again. I have had to do so much research on my own regarding my illness, even the Canadian Cancer Society located here in Saskatoon didn't have any information about Leiomyosarcoma when I went in to talk to them. I was told that they only ever heard of one case here before and that was years ago. I believe that one case is all that should be needed to promote awareness and with your magazine and the wonderful people that dedicate their time to share their stories, you are doing just that! I am honoured that you have asked me to contribute to your cause and it has given me great pleasure to be able to be a part of the amazing work that you do. I hope that I will be able to touch those who read your magazine and possibly help someone who may be thinking that they are alone in their battle as I did in the beginning. Once again, thank you for all that you do and bless you for being a part of my life and the lives of many others!"

- Sara Tessier, Saskatoon, Sask.

The magazine is motivational and inspiring. The stories of people overcoming their trials and tribulations make others have hope when something is going wrong in their life."

- Sherissa Carruthers, Kitchener, ON

“I read ‘Revolutionizing Your Life: A Christians Point of View’ (September Issue) and couldn‘t believe that something like that was written in a fitness and health magazine, but then I picked up SELF and saw the same kind of article. I went back to the original and reread it realizing it had nothing to do with fitness but everything to do with health of the heart and giving! Good for you for trying this approach. I think this article fits in perfectly with the whole feel of the magazine! The magazine never ceases to amaze me.”

- Joy Monaghan, Toronto, ON

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